Thailandia annuncia il coprifuoco

Thailandia annuncia il coprifuoco

BANGKOK (Reuters) – La Thailandia annuncerà un coprifuoco nazionale tra le 22:00. e le 4 del mattino a partire da venerdì per cercare di frenare la diffusione del nuovo coronavirus, ha detto il governo in una nota giovedì.   Il coprifuoco avrà alcune eccezioni, tra cui il trasporto di forniture mediche, la circolazione di persone…

Expo 2020 Dubai and the continued impact of COVID-19

Expo 2020 Dubai and the continued impact of COVID-19

We continue to face a global situation that is both fast moving and unpredictable. Over the last several weeks, we have been working hard, both internally and in consultation with key UAE and international stakeholders, to review the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on our plans and preparations for Expo 2020 Dubai. These are extraordinary times and…

Temporary suspension of Gatwick Express

Temporary suspension of Gatwick Express

From Monday 30 March, Gatwick Express services will be temporarily suspended until further notice. This is because of a significant reduction in passengers at the airport, and to help keep other trains running for key workers getting to and from their place of work.  Southern and Thameslink are still running to and from Gatwick Airport, and will provide journey options to…

North Eastern Sardinia, Gallura, the Costa Smeralda and the islands

North Eastern Sardinia, Gallura, the Costa Smeralda and the islands

Gallura and the northeast coast of Sardinia, famous for its sparkling life between sea and elegant squares, are the jewels in the crown in terms of quality of tourism. The jagged coastline opens onto the turquoise sea of the Costa Smeralda and onto small creeks that hide hot stretches of weightless sand.

La Sardegna Nord Orientale, La Gallura, La Costa Smeralda e le Isole

La Sardegna Nord Orientale, La Gallura, La Costa Smeralda e le Isole

La Gallura e la costa nord-orientale della Sardegna, famosa per la sua vita scintillante tra mare ed eleganti piazze, sono i gioielli della corona in termini di qualità del turismo. La costa frastagliata si apre sul mare turchese della Costa Smeralda e su piccole insenature che nascondono calde distese di sabbia senza peso. Lasciati conquistare…