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Reconnect safely to more destinations
Reconnect safely to more destinations
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Laconi rises on a ridge of the Sarcidano plateau, its altitude varies from about 500 to 635 m a.s.l. of the railway station. Its vast territory extending for almost 125 km² is among the most varied and richest from the naturalistic and geological point of view of Sardinia.
Mario Zavatta, owner of restaurant “Da Mario” in Karon, is know by many for his experience in Thailand where he always focused on quality and competence and with the staff that follows from years he achieved what he wanted.
A Mediterranean inspired cuisine, refined and
discreet, revisited and of great individuality, which involves the use of top quality ingredients, to guarantee healthy nutrition.
This brilliant copy of father and son, both artist and architect, played a crucial role in the development of the architectural style of the Costa Smeralda. In fact they produced a true masterpiece of art, which has become famous all over the world: the Hotel Cala di Volpe, which appears outside an ancient Mediterranean fishing village, while inside it is a modern creation of a surreal architecture , which involves and stimulates the spirit of every visitor who enters it.
A small tourist settlement faces the La Maddalena Archipelago National Park. In Porto Rafael, the predominant colours are the blue of the sea contrasted with the white of the houses within the villages positioned along the extreme northern tip of the Isola, in the territory of Palau, just a few kilometres away, and Porto Cervo, the heart of the Costa Smeralda.
The risks of tourism: human zoos and Dark Tourism
Tourism minister pushes end of year levy to include Covid 19 health insurance for visitors to Thailand