Starter Presets are One Click Away
Every theme on WordPress works the same way: You install the theme, then spend a few hours customizing it until you decide…
Every theme on WordPress works the same way: You install the theme, then spend a few hours customizing it until you decide if you love it, or you delete it and start over again with another theme. The average WordPress user is used to this approach, and is wasting many valuable hours simply looking for something that just works. And even when you find the right theme, you’re often met with blockers, such as things that are not customizable, static design that can’t be changed, or features locked behind a paywall.
As WordPress developers, we are aware how time-consuming finding the right theme is. Therefore, we have created different presets that you can choose to install with a click of a button. This gives you the benefit of having your site built for you, from our designs in no-time, while having the ability to customize the presets to your liking.
Buildr’s presets are tailored towards various types of websites. Using the presets, you can do your work faster, and leverage the theme Customizer to fine-tune the theme to your liking.