Because the Sardinians are a different people and culture compared to Italy

Because the Sardinians are a different people and culture compared to Italy

The Sardinians, or “Sardi,” have a distinct identity that sets them apart from mainland Italians, rooted in their unique history, language, culture, and geography. While Sardinia is part of Italy, many Sardinians have long-held ambitions for greater autonomy, and there are even movements advocating for full independence. To understand why Sardinians consider themselves a distinct…

Exploring the Beauty of Northern Sardinia: A Day Trip from Olbia
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Exploring the Beauty of Northern Sardinia: A Day Trip from Olbia

Olbia, a charming city on the northeastern coast of Sardinia, is not only a gateway to the island’s famous Costa Smeralda but also the perfect starting point for a day trip exploring the stunning landscapes, ancient history, and hidden gems of northern Sardinia. Whether you’re a lover of nature, history, or simply seeking a serene…