Malu Entu Island
This is one of the most interesting islands of Sardinia! Known in Italian as Mal di Ventre – literally “belly ache” – its name in Sardinia is actually translated into “bad wind” and is a reference to the sudden changes in the weather and the winds. The island is part of the Protected Marine Area of Sinis and highly protected.
A popular day-trip destination during the summer – boat tours usually depart from Mari Ermi beach – the island is completely uninhabited and home to wild garlic and sea turtles, whereas the marine life is thriving. There are also shipwrecks.
Malu Entu island was at the center of attention in local and national media in the past, when the Partito Paris, guided by Doddore Meloni, claimed its independence, adopting a new monetary system, giving it its own government, and aiming at becoming an independent state fully recognized by the United Nations. With the death of Doddore Meloni in 2017, the project has been abandoned.